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Mind & Body

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

Struggling to drink enough water? You’re in the right place! Drinking enough water has endless health and wellbeing benefits, from making your skin glow, to improving digestion, regulating your hormones, energy, mood and so much more, but many of us just can’t seem to sip enough of this natural wondrous elixir. Try these genius hacks to help you drink more water every day to improve your health and life!

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day


Drinking enough water isn’t always easy. Maybe you don’t like it, you don’t get time, or you just forget. Whatever the reason, it’s important that drinking your recommended 2-3 liters of water each day becomes a healthy habit in your routine to support your body and mind to thrive. So, why is drinking water important?  

Why do we need to drink enough water?  

“Did you know that 60% of the human body is made up of water? This weighs approximately 45 Kg (100 lb)?” asks Dr. Deborah Lee, at Dr. Fox Pharmacy. 

“No matter the climate, staying hydrated is a daily necessity, and drinking enough water keeps every system in the body functioning optimally,” says digestion and gut health expert Sas Parsad, founder of The Gut Co.  

“Some of the many important roles of water include aiding digestion and gut health, preventing constipation, flushing bacteria from your bladder, carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and maintaining electrolyte balance."  

Water also makes your skin clear and glowing as it aids in the detoxification and hydration process! Suffering from dry lips and hands? Water will help with that too.  

Water can even support your weight loss goals. “The very act of drinking 500 ml of water per day (at room temperature) has been shown to increase metabolic rate by 30%. Water can also act as an appetite suppressant. So, being well hydrated is strongly recommended for those who want to lose weight,” says Lee. 

What happens if we don’t drink enough water?  

“Failing to drink enough water each day can lead to dehydration, which can wreak havoc on the body, causing weakness, dizziness, confusion, and low blood pressure,” says Parsad.  

“If you are just 2% deficient in water, you start to feel thirsty. This is your body telling you it needs a top-up. However, just being mildly dehydrated can make you feel sluggish, fatigued, and affect your mood and concentration. Ideally, you should drink plentifully and often, so as not to let these symptoms appear,” says Lee.  

After a tough workout session, if you’re in a hot climate, or after a heavy night drinking alcohol, your electrolytes could be low. Supercharge your hydration with electrolyte drink mixes to replenish lost nutrients and help you feel more like yourself! 

How much water should we be drinking each day?  

“The British Dietetic Association recommends a daily fluid intake of 2L for men and 1.6L for women. If you are pregnant, add on 300 ml. If you are breastfeeding, add on 600-700 ml,” says Lee. Add more to that amount if you exercise regularly too. 

“Although water is ideal, other drinks such as tea, coffee, milk, and fruit juice also count. However, watch the sugar and fat content, and the calorie count. It’s the water content that matters for your hydration. These other factors will not help, but will just increase your fat and sugar intake, and contribute to weight gain, sugar cravings, and dental caries [tooth decay],” reminds Lee.  

So, how can we drink more water every day?  

1. Pair drinking water with an existing habit  

“You can make it a simple rule, to have a glass of water with every meal, for example, and this will be half of your daily intake. You must also have a drink if or when you have a coffee break in the morning and a tea break in the afternoon. This only leaves two drinks to fit in elsewhere,” suggests Lee.  

2. Have a glass when you first wake up  

Make like the celebrities (Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow all swear by it) and have warm water with fresh lemon squeezed in upon waking. This is the perfect kick-starter for your gut health as it helps your body detox and reset. 

There are two types of water drinkers: those who sip and those who glug. If you can manage to stomach a pint or two in the morning, do it – it will work wonders for your digestive system, and get your water intake off to a flying start so you have less to drink throughout the day. Just remember to go to the toilet before you leave the house!  

“You could have herbal tea instead. Tea is full of life-giving antioxidants, tastes good, and can help refresh you in the morning (e.g. green tea) or get off to sleep at night (e.g. camomile tea),” says Lee.  

3. Carry a water bottle with you or keep one on your desk  

“Try carrying a water bottle, perhaps one with markers on the sides so you can see how much you have drank,” suggests Lee.  

4. Flavor your water with fresh fruit and herbs  

“To make water more palatable, you can flavor it with fruit slices, and add ice. You can add juice but go for a sugar-free option,” recommends Lee.  

Fresh herbs like mint and spices like turmeric can boost your immunity as well as the taste. You could also mix a glass of water with protein powders for a delicious protein shake, or a superfoods powder or super greens blend for a nutritional boost. 

5. Set a daily goal and set reminders.   

Start by knowing how much you need to consume. Aim for 2 or 3 liters a day. Know how much you need to drink each hour, or by a certain time, break it down into more manageable amounts, and set yourself reminders (perhaps at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, and 6pm) to ensure you’re hitting those targets. 

6. Eat foods with high water content, and avoid salty foods and alcohol  

“Eat foods with high water content. These include fruits such as melon, pineapple, oranges, strawberries, and cucumber,” encourages Lee. “If you are drinking alcohol, always have a glass of water with each alcoholic drink. Alcohol causes you to pass more urine and contributes to dehydration.”  

She also advises: “Avoid salty snacks. Although these can cause thirst, they are very bad for your blood pressure.”  

7. Mindfully drink water  

Understand the benefits of drinking water and reframe it in a positive light. Rather than viewing it as a chore, imagine the water you drink is delivering goodness with every sip. Visualize all the nutrients being delivered to every part of your body, fueling your next workout, providing you with vital energy, enhancing your mood, and giving you glowing, hydrated skin. 

Let’s get hydrated 

Drinking more water will inevitably lead to more toilet breaks. If you’re just picking up healthy water drinking habits, it might be frustrating to begin with, but your body will become more accustomed to it over time. Plus, it’s good for you – it's your body’s way of removing waste, balancing fluids, and regulating hormones!  

Ready to get hydrated and healthy?   


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7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

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7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day
Mind & Body

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

Increase your water intake with these quick tips to better hydration and better health! 

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day
Mind & Body

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

Increase your water intake with these quick tips to better hydration and better health! 

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day
Mind & Body

7 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

Increase your water intake with these quick tips to better hydration and better health!