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Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

No matter what kind of curly hair you have –  tight or ringlet curls, textured hair, afro hair or hair prone to frizz –  if you want to grow your curly hair strong and thick, and for it to look healthy and lustrous, you need the right hair care routine. We quizzed the curly hair experts on your most common hair care hang-ups when it comes to how to look after curly hair. Keep reading for the best curly hair guide to style your unique curl pattern, reduce frizz, and enhance curl definition.

Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls


Since all curly hair is unique, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach on how to style and maintain it, but there are a few curly hair tips you might not have tried yet. To get curly hair smooth, sleek, with more definition and less frizz, keep reading for your best curly hair guide yet.  

Why is my curly hair so easily damaged?  

While all curly hair is unique, it’s more common for curly hair to be dry and dehydrated.   

“It’s all down to dryness which is why it is so important to keep the hair moisturized and hydrated. Because of the hair growth pattern, the scalp's natural oils don’t travel from root to ends properly which leads to breakage,” says hairdresser Natalie Perez from Perez Hair.  

How can I stop my hair from being so dry?  

“I love oil and hair masks. But there’s also some great alternatives and natural oils too but never forget to cut the hair – that’s usually a great start,” says Perez.  

Hair oil and pre-shampoo treatments can work really well for curly hair. They help to inject moisture into your locks. Plus, you could add some hair oil to each stage of washing to keep moisture levels high.  

“Dry, frizzy, untameable hair usually comes down to needing the right hair care or hairstylist. Some things can be easily fixed other times they need real work but it’s getting the right routine and ball rolling,” says Perez.  

What’s the best way to fight frizz, increase curl definition and care for my curly hair day-to-day?  

1. Wash Your Hair With The Right Products  

Start with the basics. You should be shampooing and conditioning your hair with products that are specifically created for your hair type. Do your research and ask your hairstylist.  

It’s common for people with curly hair to leave out the shampoo and move straight to the conditioner. Experts warn against this because it allows bacteria and dirt to grow on your scalp and hair roots. You could also use a pre-treatment and avoid particularly harsh ingredients like sulfates, which can dry out your hair.  

Wash with small, gentle movements to minimize tangling and frizz, and try to use warm, not hot, water. Hot water can be drying.  

2. Style & Dry Your Hair With The Right Tools  

Use a flat paddle brush instead of the brushes with little pins on the end. This helps to keep hair smooth and detangled. Prevent breakage by brushing hair from the ends in focusing on a section at a time towards the roots.   

“I use a diffuser to revamp curls to bring them back to life and stick to products for curly hair anything that I can use to hydrate or moisturize hair. I also like salt spray for a beachy look but that can also be drying, especially in the winter months when hair can turn dull and dry,” says Perez. “I use natural products where possible.”  

“Less is more. Don’t try and do anything extra when drying – no shaking the diffuser or going up and down fast. Just hold a section for five seconds and then move the diffuser to the next section,” says curly hair expert and hairdresser, Elaine Todd.  

If you have braids, a scalp massage with hair oil could be really beneficial to hydrate and nourish your scalp for healthier hair growth and scalp condition. “Castor, olive, and argan oils to help nourish and deeply moisturize the hair,” says Perez.  

3. A Good Haircut   

“Start with a good haircut. And check what products you’re actually using as some can make it worse if it’s not right for you,” says Griffiths.  

Having your hair cut by someone who has experience with curly hair is so important.  

4. Hair Plopping  

Another curly hair technique you could also get to know? Curly hair plopping. Yes, you read that right. This is the curly hair girl’s version of twisting your hair in a towel on top of your head right after washing your hair or while you’re applying hair treatments and masks.  

Hair plopping uses a cotton t-shirt (or microfiber towel or pillowcase) to dry wet curls in a self-contained mound on top of your head to increase curl definition and reduce frizz.  

The benefits of plopping? It’s not as harsh on your hair. When you wrap your hair in a towel, your curls get stretched out (from the twisting) and frizzy (from the rough towel you’re using). Plopping keeps curls intact and scrunched on top of your head so your curls stay clumped, your roots volumized and your precious hair cuticle stays smooth (thanks to the soft cotton fabric.)  

5. Hair Steaming  

For a natural hair steam, put some hair oil treatment or hair mask on in the bath, scrunch your hair on top of your head, and cover (with a shower cap). Then, sit back and relax while the natural steam from the bath gets to work in moisturizing your locks giving extra strength to deep conditioning. There are also electric plug-in hair steamers available.   

How should I look after my curly hair at night?  

“I love using a silk pillowcase to help protect my hair and it’s also great for the skin!” says Perez. Silk bonnets, durags (and even a pair of tights) work well too. Cotton actually absorbs moisture, so while it’s great for drying hair, it absorbs too much of your hair’s moisture night after night, increasing dryness.  

“I also use spiral hair-ties so they don’t mark or pull the hair too tight,” suggests Todd. Some tighter hair-ties can create breakage which could lead to frizz.  

If your hair is dry, braiding, pinning in a knot, or twisting hair in a flexi-rod overnight could help to prevent tangling and frizz by morning.  

You could also try an overnight conditioning treatment once a week to boost hair hydration.  

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The model featured in this story is not associated with COSME Magazine and does not endorse it or the products shown.

Photography Lara Jade | Model Ruby Campbell


Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

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Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

Reduce frizz and increase your natural curl definition with these tried-and-tested expert curly hair tips. 

Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

Reduce frizz and increase your natural curl definition with these tried-and-tested expert curly hair tips. 

Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

Curly Hair Tips For Lustrous, Healthy Curls

Reduce frizz and increase your natural curl definition with these tried-and-tested expert curly hair tips.