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Men's Health

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health

If you want to give natural healing a go, you need to know about the super herb that helps you feel more relaxed, enhances your gym gains, sharpens your memory and makes your heart healthy. Ashwagandha is the Ayurvedic herb that gives your health an all-over boost.

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health


Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with a multitude of health benefits you won’t want to miss out on. This super herb has recently gained traction across the world thanks to its ability to reduce anxiety and stress, amongst other things, but it’s far from the new kid on the block. Ashwagandha has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, a healing practice practiced widely in India. As technology and science became more advanced, natural healing methods took a backseat, and many are still considered as ‘alternative’ healing, however, recent scientific studies back up what Ayurveda practitioners have been telling us for thousands of years, and many more of us are turning to natural healers and holistic therapies to improve our health. 


“The Ashwagandha plant is renowned for being one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs with many effects for the body and mind, that spans back thousands of years,” says Amy Peacock, holistic health expert and founder of Earth’s Secret. 

Ashwagandha is a part of a group of plants called adaptogens – plants or herbs that have health benefits. The theory behind adaptogens is that they enhance the body's ability to cope with stress. When we become stressed, our bodies become unbalanced in some way; physically, chemically or biologically, and it’s thought that adaptogens help to rebalance, and return it to a balanced state called “homeostasis”. 

“Ashwagandha comes from a root found in India which has been used as a stress reliever tonic in many Ayurvedic traditions. In Sanskrit, Ashwagandha means “smell of horse” as it imparts the strength and vigor of a stallion,” explains Peacock. 

Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry or by its scientific Latin name, Withania Somnifera. It’s an herbal shrub whose berries and roots are used for their medicinal purposes – your herbal, all-natural pharmaceutical. 

We predict that more and more will become known about Ashwagandha and other adaptogen herbs and plants over the coming years as scientists conduct more research, but the health benefits we do know are astounding! Read on for the key health benefits of Ayurvedic super-herb, ashwagandha. 


Several studies have proven ashwagandha’s amazing ability to help relieve stress and anxiety significantly. Many of us now live with chronic stress from pressure at work, to racing thoughts and an overactive mind before bed that can affect our quality of sleep. Feeling tense all the time, in a constant state of fight or flight, can affect our health and wellbeing. A dose of ashwagandha – most commonly taken in powder form stirred into tea, coffee or smoothies, or in a pill supplement – can relieve stressful moments and induce a sense of calm. Studies have shown that ashwagandha improved sleep quality too. 

“Ashwagandha optimizes the body's stress response by lowering cortisol levels and promoting a calmer, clearer state of mind. It’s been clinically proven to reduce the feelings of anxiety by supporting the productions of mood-stabilizing brain chemicals,” shares Peacock. 


Got some new training goals you’re keen to achieve this year? Athletes and gym-goers rejoice, because studies suggest that ashwagandha can improve muscle strength and size. One study reveals increase strength and speed, and another for increased muscle powder with lower body fat percentage when they consumed ashwagandha. In another study, male participants in particular saw significant gains in muscle strength using bench press and leg extension exercises for increased muscle size in their arms and chest, as well as a reduction in post-workout muscle damage and a reduction in body fat percentage. 


Some studies show that Ashwagandha can improve reproductivity benefits for men. According to research it rebalances reproductive hormone levels to improve sperm quality. In another study, researchers found increased testosterone levels in male participants, which could correlate to the increase muscle size and strength benefits too. 


“Ashwagandha has also been shown to boost acetylcholine in the brain, which can improve memory, learning, and cognition,” says Peacock. Studies have shown that, compared with a placebo, ashwagandha improved participants’ reaction times during psychomotor and cognition tests. 


Some studies have shown that ashwagandha can increase vo2 max levels, which represents the amount of oxygen you can take in while physically exerting yourself. The more the better! These determine your cardiorespiratory endurance – how well the heart and lungs deliver oxygen to muscles during physical activity. Higher vo2 max levels indicate a healthier heart under strenuous circumstances, which comes in handy! 


Some small studies have suggested that ashwagandha can help to reduce blood glucose levels and triglycerides (the most common type of fat in the blood). These blood-sugar lowering abilities are similar to the benefits of type 2 diabetes medication, although you should always consult a doctor before taking or changing medication. 


As many of us turn to natural and holistic healing to support our health and wellbeing, incorporating more super plants and herbs into our nutrition is a great place to start. Adding just a spoonful of ashwagandha into the things we already eat and drink could give our body the boost it needs to stress less, get stronger and fitter, and amp up our brain function. 

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Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health

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Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health
Men's Health

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health

The stress-relieving, brain-boosting, heart-enhancing super-herb that makes you stronger and more focused. 

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health
Men's Health

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health

The stress-relieving, brain-boosting, heart-enhancing super-herb that makes you stronger and more focused. 

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health
Men's Health

Ashwagandha: The Natural Herb That Will Supercharge Your Health

The stress-relieving, brain-boosting, heart-enhancing super-herb that makes you stronger and more focused.